
...And we're back!

I'm already behind with this blogging thing...
Lately, we have been finding things to do that include water and shade since it's pretty hot. This past weekend, Millie ran around in her church clothes, chasing Miles and smelling flowers. On Monday, we went to the most fun place ever. There is a "sprayground" near our house, which is basically a water playground. We met some friends there, and Millie just ran wild and had the time of her life. Of course, she also found all the trash around the park as well as the mud puddles.

We have recently discovered that Millie is outgrowing "baby" toys and needs toddler stuff to play with. She is into crawling on, pushing, and destroying anything she can. Yesterday, I bought her a baby stroller, and my goal is to go get one of those plastic house/fort things with a slide so she can crawl in and out, etc. Where are you supposed to put all of this stuff? Another new development--yesterday she put two words together for the first time. "Hi, baby", which turned into, "Hey baby". No, she was not talking to a boy--it was her doll.

Ryan and I are taking our first baby-free trip this weekend to Hot Springs and Little Rock for a wedding. It's a much needed mini-vacation.

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